
Visit Myrtle Beach and Cablevision's Optimum Rewards
Optimum Rewards is a first-in-class loyalty program for Cablevision customers who purchase Internet, phone and cable television.  With a competitive marketplace for all three services it's very important that they keep their subscribers engaged and invested in the Cablevision brand.  

Visit Myrtle Beach is responsible for promoting the nation's busiest overnight beach destination and has a vested interest in reaching new markets outside of the their core base in the southeastern United States.  We paired Cablevision and Visit Myrtle Beach together to increase awareness, registrations and email acquisition for both brands.

Visit Myrtle Beach received media value well over 10 times their investment in the promotion and over 25,000 email subscribers.  The promotion was marketed across :30 second spots over Cablevision's most popular networks, social media, email newsletters and the Optimum Rewards website.

Screen Shot from :30 Second Commercial